Hotel Joli i Città di San Marino

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Viale F. D'Urbino 36 B, 47890 Città di San Marino, San Marino
Kontakter telefon: +39 0549 991009
Latitude: 43.9322084, Longitude: 12.4485119
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Kommentar 5

  • Officer McKittens

    Officer McKittens


    Great staff they are helpful and friendly. Rooms are nice clean and tidy. Hotel is in the perfect location only a 3 min walk to the gate of the old City.

  • Mateusz grela

    Mateusz grela


    Great hotel. Tasty breakfast. Good value for money.

  • Revolución Pictures

    Revolución Pictures


    Amazing hotel with friendly, helpful professional staff. I love the place.

  • Al H

    Al H


    Compared to other non-chain hotels in Italy, this place holds its own. The receptionist was extremely friendly and did a great job explaining everything to us. She also gave us advice on what to see and provided some vouchers for cheaper visits to the castle on top of the hill. Reason why I'm giving it 4 stars is because I've noticed that the room seemed to be extremely dusty, and having allergies, that made the stay a bit less pleasant. The hair dryer was also not functioning in our room and could not be replaced as the unit was attached to the wall. The view of the mountains was amazing however, and I'd still return here if I were in San Marino. Parking is just down the street and very accessible.

  • Wasielah Dollie

    Wasielah Dollie


    Excellent location parking free from 8pm to 8am then 1.5 euro an hour or pay the hotel 4euro for the day. 5min walk from the old city. Pity it did not have a kettle. Had a safe and a fridge though

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