Hotel Silvana i San Marino (Gemeinde)

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Via del Serrone 15, 47890 San Marino (Gemeinde), San Marino
Kontakter telefon: +39 0549 992815
Latitude: 43.926732, Longitude: 12.450665
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Kommentar 5

  • jørn rahn

    jørn rahn


    Helpfull staff. Clean rooms. Good restaurant. Good parking. Walking distance to center.

  • Stone Chen

    Stone Chen


    There are 2 ways of getting to the town from here, either walk directly up the hill and take the elevator (15 min) or take a longer route by climbing the steps that connect the old railways (20 min). I was very satisfied with my stay here, the staff were really nice and the breakfast high-quality. Views from the hotel was great, you can see the Apennine fields all from the windows.

  • MrColorado35



    About 15 minutes walk from the old town. Nice place to sleep and tasty food in restaurant downstairs (a bit expensive). In my room shower was leaking what caused water on the toilet's floor. Also towels wasn't very soft. But out of this I was very happy with my stay. And you have amazing views from the windows.

  • Paul Dowsett

    Paul Dowsett


    Lovely people looked after us very well plus excellent food. Amazing cave to eat in buried within the premises.

  • cristina marchetti

    cristina marchetti



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