Ritrovo Dei Lavoratori XXVIII Luglio i Città di San Marino

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4, Via Androne Dei Bastioni, 47890, Città di San Marino, SM San Marino
Kontakter telefon: +378 (0549) 992578
Latitude: 43.9355713, Longitude: 12.4466924
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Kommentar 5

  • Matt Krempely

    Matt Krempely


    It's just all around ok. It's not fancy, but it's not supposed to be. It's cheap, certainly, but even for €25 I expected more effort.

  • Christie Williams

    Christie Williams


    Sooooo good and the service was absolutely also five stars.

  • Roberto Termini

    Roberto Termini


    The place is tidy, food is good and staff is smiling and gentle; I suggest it for lunch and dinner

  • Tony Lush

    Tony Lush


    The food was good. The service was fast and friendly. The views during the day are quite spectacular. The vegetables were very fresh and the meat we had as a secondi was quite tasty. The pasta wasn’t as fresh, but we’ve been living in Italy for some time, so our standards are maybe a bit high. Overall, good with a very well priced meal.

  • Kirk Chantraine

    Kirk Chantraine


    Pretty tasty, but service was a little slow. Very good vegetarian options and definitely felt like one of the best in town at least as you're coming down from checking out the towers. Try to book in advance if you can, so you can get a seat with a view.

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